A Message from the Pastor

Dear Friend,
Indian Valley is one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth! Its rolling hills, green pastures, majestic mountains, cool running streams and lovely valleys give witness to God's powerful hand of creation. Nestled in the rural setting of Floyd County, VA is the Indian Valley Church of God. Established in 1949, following a tent revival, this church has become a strong fellowship of believers reaching out to its community and beyond with the Love of God and the Pentecostal Message for 65 years!
But we are more than just "another country church." The Indian Valley Church of God is a refuge to the saved and the lost, where Jesus Christ is Lord, the full Gospel is preached, and were a Biblical and holiness life is still believed practical and essential to our faith.
It has been an honor and privilege to serve this wonderful church and community as Pastor over the years. My family and I have been tremendously blessed to be part of such a loving, caring, praying, and exciting congregation.
All that we are, or ever hope to be, we owe it all to God!
"For in Him we live, and move, and have being..." (Acts 17:28).
In His Service and Yours,
Pastor Kenneth D. Poston